
Monday Dose of Mindfulness: 5 Senses Exercises

The subject of today’s Monday Dose of Mindfulness post is a mindfulness exercise for shifting attention to each of the five senses. This exercise is a way to ground you in the present moment by shifting attention to both internal and external stimuli.

Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Mindful Eating

Many people have gotten into the habit of eating while doing other activities, such as watching television or working. Even when not multi-tasking, our thoughts may carry our attention away from the act of eating. These distractions prevent us from experiencing as much satisfaction from the food that we eat and frequently lead to overeating.

Monday Dose of Mindfulness: Mindful Breathing

Mindful breathing involves focusing your attention on sensations in the body associated with the breath. By purposefully placing attention on your breathing, you shift attention away from other stimuli, such as thoughts about the past or future.